2020 Bathroom Trends: Brass Fixtures and Gray Counter Tops — Pelham and White

Bathroom trends for 2020 are taking some interesting turns. One of these trends is the move toward using warming tones and color palettes for countertops and pipes. This means using brass and gold-colored pipes along with a sleek gray countertop. A lot of this can give a bathroom a sort of Victorian appeal. Pair this with a fancy tub like something out of an English manor and you have that warm Victorian vibe. Why are people drifting toward this look in 2020? Let's take a look at some of the reasons why.

The modern look is everywhere

Sleek, shiny chrome appliances, digital showers, and low flow toilets are everywhere. It's actually getting pretty rare for apartments of even homeowners wanting to have tubs. The New York Times did a piece back in 2017 pointing out that there is a trend toward the space-saving shower.  

Well, it looks like that trend might be turning around. People want something different instead of the usual chrome finish. The gold pipes and clawed tub are just different. This difference is what homeowners are looking for to spice up their home and make it stand out

The Victorian look is kind of cool

There's something about brass pipes coming out of a comfy, roomy tube that makes a bathroom inviting. It makes it look more relaxing than the futuristic, robotic look of a chromed-out bathroom. Victorian bathrooms were a sign of prestige during that era. It was a big step up from the communal bathing areas that most common folks used during that time. 

This is also what some homeowners want. They want a status symbol that sets them apart from everyone else.


Bathroom trends for 2020 are starting to lean towards more expressive and warmer styles. One of these is the beautiful gold and brass pipe, claw tubs, and gray countertop look. This makes a bathroom much more inviting and appealing. It's also been shown that having a bathroom with a tub may increase the value of your home.

So when you look into renovating your bathroom give this trend a look. It will definitely set you apart and make you stand out, in a good way. A good place to start is by checking out Pelham & White and their awesome collection- contact us
