Soak Away Your Cares: The Rejuvenating Power of Baths — Pelham and White

The American poet Sylvia Plath once wrote, "There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.” Enjoying a nice long soak could be the answer you're looking for when it comes to stress reduction.

A recent article by Prevention states that, "Research from the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that soaking in warm water daily for 8 weeks is more effective at easing anxiety than a prescription drug." This is truly compelling evidence to support the creation of regular bath-time rituals. 

 Here are some ways you can customize your bathing routine:

1.) Set a relaxing tone by using candles around the tub area. LED candles are recommended for personal safety. Consider basking in the soft glow while bathing. Reducing the effects of harsh lighting can help you relax. You may also consider customizing the lighting in your bathroom by using different colored light bulbs in your pre-existing light fixtures. There are many benefits in utilizing color therapy to enhance overall wellness.

2.) There is an assortment of products available such as bath bombs, bath salts, bath soaks, and bath oils that can transform your bathing experience. Women such as Cleopatra, who was famous for bathing in milk, still serve as inspiration for many current DIY health and beauty recipes.

3.) Using items such as Organic Colloidal Oatmeal is also an excellent way to help calm itchy or inflamed skin. Colloidal Oatmeal is often recommended for use in a warm bath for conditions such as sunburneczema, and psoriasis. "Oats are rich in beta-glucans, which are polysaccharides that can reduce skin inflammation, activate immune cells in the skin and stimulate collagen deposition. For this reason, oatmeal has always been regarded as a natural skin healer - and colloidal oatmeal is no exception." It is always best to buy certified organic gluten-free oats to ensure that the healing effects are optimal for sensitive skin.

Baths are healing and have the power to engage many of our senses. Unwinding in a hot bath is a welcomed exchange for a hurried and hectic schedule. Carving out some time to relax can increase your personal health and wellness. 

Contact us today, and let us help you transform your bathroom into a relaxing oasis.


