Stand-Alone Tub or Alcove or drop-in tub — Pelham and White

You are planning your beautiful new bathroom, and the time is right for picking the tub. The choice is between an alcove or drop-in tub and a stand-alone tub. While an alcove tub is functional and works well in even the smallest of bathrooms, it brings little in the nature of character to the room. The stand-alone tub is both functional and charming.

Bathroom Space

Your room will dictate to a degree the type and size of your features. If you choose a tub that is over-sized for the room, the room will feel cramped and smaller than it is. When you choose your tub, you will find that the stand-alone tub needs space all the way around it and adequate access to it. Without this space, you will find it looks awkward and uncomfortable. For a stand alone tub, you should allow an extra six inches beyond the length of the tub for space between the tub and the wall and twelve inches in width between the tub, the wall, and any other features in the room. 

Stand-Alone Tub 

This is the most elegant of features for any bathroom, and adds endless enjoyment and relaxation to your life. The beauty and style it adds to your bathroom is comparable to a work of art. The best part of this lovely feature is the relaxation you get from a hot soak in an elegant room. In the hectic pace of today's world, it has a much-needed calming influence on your life. 

Tiny Bathrooms

With planning, even the smallest bathroom can handle a stand-alone tub. This will require choosing a small one and down-sizing the other features in the room. A wall mounted toilet takes less space than a regular one, as the tank is in the wall. A small floating vanity or wall-hung sink is a good choice for such a small space. Relocate as much of the storage for such a small bathroom to somewhere outside the room if possible, and keep the room as simple as possible.

Timeless Style

The earliest of bathtubs added beauty to the room as well as function. We forgot the charm of a lovely space in our focus on function in bathrooms, and the room became plain and boring. The modern bathroom is turning once again to the art of creating a space that is lovely and relaxing for our bathing and preparing for the day. This brings us to the point that the stand-alone tub is becoming a prized feature in bathrooms again.

At  Pelham & White, we delight in bring you the best in elegant style to your bath and your life. Contact us for more information about the styles that will work best for your decor.
